In chapter 20 of Haruki Murakami's novel "Kafka on the Shore," the narrative turns its focus to the enigmatic Nakata, who has left the Nakano Ward to embark on an uncertain journey. Nakata, a simple-minded elderly man with a unique ability to communicate with cats, is driven by an instinctual force that he can neither comprehend nor resist. This chapter details Nakata's experiences and encounters as he ventures into the unknown.
Nakata's journey commences as he relies on the kindness of strangers to help him along the way. Despite his inability to read or write, Nakata possesses an innate wisdom and a pure heart that resonates with those he meets. These qualities endear him to the people who assist him with transportation, food, and shelter, making his journey possible despite his limitations.
Throughout the chapter, Nakata wrestles with the knowledge that his quest is somehow connected to Kafka Tamura's journey, even though he cannot explain how or why. This sense of inevitability and fate serves as a recurring theme in the novel, highlighting the inexplicable links between seemingly disparate characters and events.