In Miss Saeki's office, Satoru Nakata and Miss Saeki engage in a profound conversation. It becomes evident that both of them have led solitary lives, devoid of genuine friendships, although Nakata considers Hoshino to be his friend. Nakata, in his peculiar nature, lacks the ability to truly experience memories, while Miss Saeki's existence seems to be intertwined with memories, forming a significant part of her being.
When Nakata reveals that he opened the entrance stone, Miss Saeki discloses that she had done the same many years ago, driven by a desire to preserve fragments of time. Nakata astutely observes that both he and Miss Saeki possess only half a shadow, an intriguing connection between them. In an act of trust, Miss Saeki hands Nakata a stack of file folders and implores him to burn them, as they contain the chronicles of her entire life—a narrative she wishes to remain concealed from prying eyes.
With a heavy heart, Miss Saeki opens up about her life, starting from the moment when everything fell apart at the tender age of twenty. She confesses that since that tumultuous period, she has struggled to truly feel alive. Moved by her words, Nakata rises from his seat, gently placing his hands over Miss Saeki's, enabling him to tap into her memories and grasp the essence of what memory truly entails. As Miss Saeki closes her eyes, she becomes immersed in her recollections, while Nakata takes his leave.
Downstairs, Nakata approaches Hoshino, seeking assistance in finding a suitable location to burn the files entrusted to him. Meanwhile, Oshima, after a bustling afternoon tending to patrons, ascends the stairs to check on Miss Saeki. To his shock, he discovers her lifeless body, her face resting upon her desk. Unfazed by the commotion around him, Oshima sits with Miss Saeki until the arrival of the ambulance, allowing himself to mourn her passing in quiet reverence.